Embracing the Heat of Taisho with Chilled Sencha and Matcha Treats.

Embracing the Heat of Taisho with Chilled Sencha and Matcha Treats.

Hello everyone, I'm Keko, one of the online staff members.

Today, I want to share with you a delightful aspect of Japanese culture that aligns beautifully with the season: the 72 micro-seasons, or Shichijūni-kō. These small, nuanced segments of the year allow us to connect deeply with nature's rhythms, and on August 1st, we find ourselves in the micro-season called "Taisho" (大暑), which translates to "Greater Heat."

As the name suggests, Taisho marks one of the hottest periods of the year. In the past, this heat was welcomed, as it was an essential part of the agricultural cycle. Farmers would use this time to dry rice and other grains under the scorching sun. Even today, this intense heat encourages us to find ways to stay cool and refreshed.

One of my favorite ways to embrace the season is by enjoying a chilled glass of mizudashi sencha. This cold-brewed green tea is incredibly refreshing and easy to prepare. Simply steep sencha leaves in cold water for a few hours, and you’ll have a delightful, subtly sweet beverage that’s perfect for combating the summer heat.

Another tradition that pairs wonderfully with Taisho is the enjoyment of seasonal sweets. At Nakamura Tokichi, we offer a variety of matcha-flavored treats that are not only delicious but also help to cool the body. Our matcha ice cream and matcha jelly are customer favorites, especially during these hotter days.

As we navigate through this period of Greater Heat, it’s also a time to appreciate the small moments of tranquility that Japanese tea can bring. Whether it’s a quiet morning with a cup of cold-brewed sencha or an afternoon treat of matcha sweets, these experiences connect us to the season and to the centuries-old traditions of Japanese tea culture.

Stay cool and enjoy the beauty of Taisho! Until next time, take care and savor the moment.

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