What Is Obukucha?
The tradition of Obukucha began when Kuuya Shounin (空也上人), the founder of Rokuharamitsu Temple (六波羅蜜寺) in Kyoto, offered tea to Emperor Murakami (村上天皇) in prayer for his swift recovery. Miraculously, the emperor’s illness disappeared instantly, and from that moment, the tradition of Koufukucha (皇服茶), or 'tea consumed by the emperor,' became an annual local custom. Today, this ritual is still performed at Rokuharamitsu Temple on New Year's morning. The first fresh water of the year is drawn, and the tea, containing a small pickled plum and a knot of dried kelp, is prepared and offered first to the Buddha and then to worshippers, symbolizing a prayer for health in the coming year.
Obukucha is enjoyed in many variations across households in and around Kyoto and is known by different names such as Oofuku (大服・大福), Fukucha (福茶), and Ofukucha (御服茶). It is typically consumed before celebrating the New Year with a cup of spiced sake. For our Nakamura household, this ceremony holds significant meaning, as we believe it helps to ward off negativity and ensure health for the head of the household, all family members, and, most importantly, the happiness of our customers.
Recommended Way To Drink

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Here are some tips to keep your tea fresh and enjoy it to the fullest.